Many homeowners make the switch in their holiday decorating the minute November 1st hits, making the change from Halloween to Christmas. Even television and radio programs make the switch. Holiday movies and songs are played from November until the end of December, despite the fact that there is still a holiday, Thanksgiving, in between. Some embrace it, others despise it until at least December.
Every season and holiday can be displayed during your selling time to attract potential buyers, but not in the traditional way that homes are usually decorated. The idea is to keep it simple to allow potential buyers to picture themselves in your home without being overwhelmed by decorations. Winter and holiday months cause an influx in real estate sales, but with these tips, your house can still draw that immediate attention that you are looking for.
Tip #1: If you are decorating a tree, keep your ornaments simple in size and color scheme.
Tip #2: Lights are a great addition for that nostalgic feeling. Use clear or white lights for a clean look.
Tip #3: When decorating, think of the size of your space and add accordingly. If you are working in a smaller space, add accents that will best utilize the area.
Tip #4: Skip the holiday theme all together. Go for seasonal greenery by putting a wreath on the door or garland over the fireplace or doorway.
Tip #5: Use the color scheme that you are already working with in your home. If your main living space is mainly decorated in white, stick with white with minor accents in your holiday colors of red, green, blue, silver, or gold.
Great places to shop for those on-the-market decorations are:
Hey Lottie in Kirkwood
Christopher’s in Kirkwood
The White Rabbit in Brentwood
Story Seven and Rolling Ridge both in Webster Groves
When you are ready to sell with these great holiday additions, contact the Becky O’Neill Power Selling Team today to make sure that your home is on the market for the busy season ahead!